LCL Team: Pre-Sales Consultant Hugo Van Damme

LCL enhances quality completion and efficient processing of quotations with Pre Sales Consultant Hugo Van Damme At LCL, optimal customer satisfaction and customer intimacy are pillars that make the company stand out in the market. The Belgian data center company has recently put even more effort into this aspect by…

LCL brings in architectural expertise with Project Manager Stéphane Mascart

LCL is growing and has become the largest data center company in Belgium with 35 in-house specialists. Construction expert Stéphane Mascart is joining the LCL team to help fulfil LCL's ambitious plans in terms of expansion and sustainability. As Project Manager, he will be responsible for the fourth major expansion…

Nicolas Coppee, 37, Data Center Manager at LCL Wallonia One

After 13 years of career at Engie, from installer of industrial PLCs to responsible of the data center, Nicolas chose to join LCL, with his team, when the Cofely Data Solutions Center in Gembloux was taken over in June 2021. “Although LCL was our competitor on the Belgian market, the…

LCL Team: Laurent Eloy – Technician in Gembloux

Laurent joined LCL in June 2021 following the acquisition of the Engie Solution site in Gembloux, which he had joined 6 years earlier. As a technician, he is responsible for installing, wiring and powering the servers of the 3 computer rooms of the site. He is required to modify and…

Life as it is at LCL: Floris, Project Manager (28)

Floris (28), now Project Manager, started at LCL in January 2018 as a Facilities Engineer. He found leak-tightness testing on the primary cooling system of a nuclear power plant interesting, but not as interesting as working at LCL. How did you begin your professional career? I have been professionally active…

Safety through the eyes of a Field Technician

Last month we carried out a recertification of the ISO 45001 certificate. This certificate is extremely important in terms of safety and is now one of our priorities. In addition, the ISO 45001 certificate plays a crucial role in times of COVID-19. Noah Peeters, a Field Technician at LCL, tells…

Philippe Lipinski, new Business Developer at LCL

We have a new Business Developer for LCL Wallonia One: Philippe Lipinski. Based in Gembloux, he will focus on expanding the Walloon customer base. Our main goal is to improve connectivity in Wallonia. To achieve this goal, we are relying on the vast experience and knowledge of Philippe Lipinski. Can…

Quality Manager Mieke Germonprez

“Everyone shares the same vision” If you have questions about quality improvement, the enthusiastic Mieke is the right person to ask. From ISO certification and occupational safety to environmental regulations: Mieke is the jack-of-all-trades responsible for attaining and maintaining LCL's high standards. “It's a really nice challenge.” Before Mieke joined…

Business Project Coordinator Antje Letens

“We are effective as an organisation, not just as individual links.” Employees are essential links within overall business operations. They are the oil between the gears. Everything revolves around the right person in the right place. Antje Letens is such a link at LCL. Although she likes to remain modest:…